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Oxford Capacity Analysis (OCA) Test

Oxford Capacity Analysis (OCA) Test

The OCA Personality Test and complimentary results consultation are absolutely free with no obligation—it’s simply a great opportunity to learn more about you.


All those who now

assemble here draw close.

The purpose of this conclave

being this:

The recognition

and the naming

of this child

Born into this universe

by the action of two beings,

(father’s name) and

(mother’s name).


Born into an inheritance,

which when rightfully


shall bring to him

the knowledge and the right

to do as he would wish.



inviolate, is that which he in

later years decides.


It is the custom of our race,

that race called Man,

that when an infant, being

small and as yet unsure

of customs and of manners

now in operation in the

group and field

which he now enters,

that some other and more

adult person experienced

in all the ways and roads,

the pitfalls and the traps

that this lifetime can give,

take it upon themselves

responsibility to stand

and aid, within their

scope, the upbringing

of the child.


In normal times it is not

expected that this be

an onerous assignment,

yet there is a factor here

upon which it would be wise

to dwell.


And that is simply this:

Should such occur, that

both the parents leave

the road that they do now

envisage (for bodies are

but frail things and in

the many facets of the game

moves may go wrong)


Should such occur, then

it is the duty of these

people to stand in and

take the place of these

two parents,

so that

while not yet of blood

relation with the child

they by promises made here

will undertake the full

and careful instruction of

this child, until he has

acquired the knowledge of

his rights in full.


Are there people here

who have so promised?



You have heard me state

before the child, the parents

and those assembled here

the duty that you,

(godfather’s name)

and (godmother’s name),

have set yourselves to do.

I ask you now

to answer me direct.


Do you, (godfather’s name),

and you, (godmother’s name),

promise to give all

reasonable aid ensuring

that this child as yet

unnamed, be given every

instruction necessary

that he fulfill his heritage?

Do you?



And you the parents,

(father’s name)

and (mother’s name),

do you agree

that these can stand for you?

Do you?



So be it then.

It has been agreed.

And now the naming

of the child.


Have you four,

being those now

most concerned,

you by blood

and you by promise,

agreed upon a name?

Then tell me please.


May I take the child?


Hello to you and

welcome here.

The name you here receive

is yours to use

or discard,

as you will.

It is our gift to you.


To all of you now here I say

that this child has been

spoken for, and promises

been made

by both the parents

and these two,

who by their willingness

have now assented

to the responsibility

of ensuring that, young

(baby’s name)

here shall have, as is his right

all that we,

being of like race, form,

and nature, can endow.


And you the witnesses,

must also know,

what in brief

that endowment is.

Briefly it is thus:

That he be given every

chance, to understand

the rules by which we play

this game called life,

and further

that we all here present

arrange within our scope

the guidance and the


that we along our path

already trod, have gained.


Yet always remember this:

Young (baby’s name)’s

life is HIS

and, in the final account

it is for him to make the choice

what path he choose,

what game he play.

And should he

in later time decide,

to turn away

from that which seems

to us to be the only game


then that too is his right.


Our job is to teach

and to ensure

that he in time to come

reaches that freedom

that he can deliver of himself

the good and rightful judgment

of his fate.


We help, we teach,

and by our skills

we introduce

into our fellow being

the capacity to understand.



Let no one say,

“You must do thus and thus,

we have so decided.”


So be it then.


By witnessing his naming

you do signify that you

do welcome here the person

of (baby’s name)

as he now is called

into our recognition

and our group.


So now in final act all present

say “Hello,” and bid a

welcome to (baby’s name).



Mother, take your child

now recognized and welcomed



And let us all go each our

separate way remembering

that when we see

(baby’s name) again,

we have welcomed him

this day.


Thank you.

L. Ron Hubbard